PAN-OS - Enabling Multi-Vsys

PAN-OS - Enabling Multi-Vsys
Photo by NASA / Unsplash

Virtual systems are supported on PA-3200 Series, PA-5200 Series, PA-5450, and PA-7000 Series firewalls. Each firewall series supports a base number of virtual systems; the number varies by platform. A Virtual Systems license is required to support multiple virtual systems on PA-3200 Series firewalls, and to create more than the base number of virtual systems supported on a platform.

The default is vsys1. You cannot delete vsys1 because it is relevant to the internal hierarchy on the firewall; vsys1 appears even on firewall models that don’t support multiple virtual systems.

From the CLI

> show system info | match vsys
multi-vsys: off
By default multi-vsys is disabled
set system setting multi-vsys on

> show system info | match vsys
multi-vsys: on
Enabling multi-vsys from the CLI

From the GUI


Configure Virtual Systems
How to Change the VSYS from the CLI
Overview When a Palo Alto Networks firewall is enabled with multiple virtual system (multi-vsys) capability in the device management Web GUI or on the CLI, us

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